PCT: Ebbetts Pass to Pennsylvania Creek

PCT Mile 1048-1055

We are finally back on the trail again at Ebbetts Pass.  We hastily departed the trail here a number of years ago in thick smoke from a raging forest fire. Our intent was to come back and continue the next year, but we didn’t.   Time went by and other things took precedent.  Now we are here and it feels so good.   We remembered seeing odd rock formations in the smoke before and it was wonderful to see them under clear skies.   

We got a late start today after driving and dropping off my car at Echo Summitt.  We are doing another self contained PCT section hike again as it worked well last month.  We also repeated our tire troubles this month as Hawkeye got a flat tire bumping into a jagged rock parking a car at Echo Summit.  Bizarre.  Needless to say all this took time. 

Alls well that ends well though and we are currently enjoying our camp perched above Pennsylvania Creek and under the shelter of some foxtail pines.  We hiked seven miles in and immensely enjoyed the weird rock formations and a few wild flowers along the way. 
